
[Taiwan] Zhuilu Old Trail in Taroko

Zhuilu (Jhuilu) Old Trail is located in Taroko Gorge in Haulien. We visited the trail in January this year, the weather there was perfect for hiking. The trail's length is 3.1 km, the most amazing/dangerous part of the trail is that you can enjoy the view from 600 meters high cliff.

If you'd like to visit this trail, please notice the following:

1. Permits are required. 

You need to apply for permission from Online Application For National Park and National Police Agency , due to the working hours, you must apply 5 days in advance before your hiking trip. Unfortunately, the second website is only available in Mandarin, and you also need to have a Taiwanese phone number to complete the application. 

2. Entering from 7-10 AM only

You also need to pay NT 200 per person.

3. Be Safe!

It's common to run into snakes and wasps in Taroko Gorge. During the hike, you should also watch out for falling rocks.


It was a cloudy day when we were there, but the whole experience was still so amazing. It took us 4 hours to finish the trail, we did it fast because we didn't bring enough water to stay hydrated, the better way to enjoy the trail is that you take your time and have a picnic in the mountain. 

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